Monday, 28 November 2011

Breakfast reinvented!

A new and exciting breakfast snack created by pupils from Llanrumney High School is being sold in all schools in Cardiff.
The Breakfast Tortilla comes in three flavors and was designed by Yr 9
pupils Daniel and Marcus. The young entrepreneurs designed the healthy
breakfast snack as part of Cardiff Councils Live ‘n’ Cooking” competition.
“It is brilliant seeing our idea being sold in the school canteen and
amazing to think that  every school in Cardiff is also selling them…Wish
we were getting a share of the profit, next time we will go and see the
Dragons Den team!” Commented Marcus and Daniel.


  1. i have tried them and they are very nice

  2. I don't like them... Owen Deguara

  3. i have tried them and they are grim

  4. dont be nasty i know who you are miss 'eww'

  5. on my motheeers life there diiiiiiiiirrrrty!!
