Saturday, 5 November 2011

SNAG Update

Good bye Coca cola
At the last SNAG (School Nutritional Action Group) we met with Cardiff Councils Nutritional Advisor who told us about the Welsh Governments plans to ban sugary fizzy drinks in school vending machines. In 2013 all sugary fizzy drink will be banned from all schools in Wales. To get ready for the ban Llanrumney High School will stop selling full sugar Coca Cola, the drink will be replaced with alternative healthy smoothie drink. Over the course of the year more sugary drinks will be replaced with healthy alternatives.    


  1. No dont stop coke cola because its my favirot drink.

  2. Dont get rid of coke because its most peoples favorite drink.

  3. wot??? u can not stop me drinking coke

  4. You shouldnt get rid of coco cola beacause people like drinking it.No one will drink the healthier opiotions.

  5. if you get rid of coco cola no one will drink in school because in this school that is all you see is people drinking coco cola

  6. im not happy with this if they get removed from school ill buy one from the shop you cant stop people from having sugar drinks!

  7. err im not drinkin any smoothie drinks ill buy my own from the shop
